Sunday, January 31, 2010

I have not done this in a while.

Wow, So many times I would think about posting a blog, but never do it. Do I have time? Sometimes. Should I be grading or planning lessons? Of course! It's like working out, you just do it, and then after a while it comes naturally, just like the other things you need to pick up with doing in your life. Then they will come naturally. Even in the classroom with having specific routines you want to happen. It may be slow at first, but then before you know it, everything falls into place, and other mundane tasks are done without even thinking twice about it.

I am half-way through the third quarter of my first full school year of teaching. I started this over a year ago and am surviving. A lot of support is out there both concrete and abstract. If there is someone I need to talk to, there is someone there. A random check-in from my colleagues goes as far as it needs to for me until I am hit with the next challenge, I find a way to deal with it.
To update what I have been teaching, I have a section of Seniors for Honors Physics, and the rest of my classes are mostly Froshmen in Physical Science and Algebra. A lot of them I teach twice in the same day. I feel sorry for those who only have me once. The school hired my older sis to be the foods instructor. She is doing very well with that, and some of those students I have go to her class as well. For some of them, half of their schedule is dominated by my family. It is as if there was home-schooling going on.
My classes are kind of slow on where I need to be. I am getting back on track with some new help, and a rigorous pace. Life outside of school is fine, it's only something I want to do for the rest of my life that I only want to get better at.
I recently attended a conference on Conflict resolution. It was very worthwhile, and have yet to find out if has become effective. As laid back as I sound when I teach, now I try to be peaceful and calm if ever there is a situation. It's the tone that you send the message that allows you objective to be reached, and being a bit linguistically persuasive is a plus.
I like my students, even if they get themselves in a little bit of trouble now and then, it's in their nature. It has not been as bad as last year. Once I see something I don't like, it is certain that I will not have it happen the year after that.

Since I am a scientist, instead of a Philosophy, I have developed postulates for teaching, ironically these postulates are subject to change with is one of the aspects of the nature of science.
A teacher must succumb to the fact that learning never stops.

A teacher must see through multiple perspectives.

A teacher must resolve conflicts in a swift, just manner.

A teacher must maintain classroom order for optimal learning to take place.

There is more to add and more to change as my experience gets greater, but we will leave it for now. I need to do some grading.