Tuesday, June 29, 2010

New Intro

This blog was intended to be written at the end of june / late july, just as a way to put posts up...

A splice of my principal's email days prior to our first meeting as new faculty of an auspicious school...

"Some of you asked what exactly are we looking for during the community gathering on Wednesday, so my best answer is for you to go to my profile on the website."

see enclosure link>>>
Here are some parts that caught my attention that will help me figure out why I am at this new school.

"I felt cheated that our academic potential was never really fulfilled. We were given what was believed we could handle, and we all did it well - teachers and students - but were we ever challenged?"

I like to challenge people just as much as I like to be given a challenge. Does that not sound perfect for a teacher?
"I feel that if a student wants to put in the work, then NOTHING should be off limits. "

If ANYONE basically wants to put in the work, then nothing should be off limits. (i.e. Response blog)

We want you to be transparent, "what are you doing this?" "what is important to you about education?" "why is this work, especially in an urban area important?"
It doesn't have to be as long that, but it should be reflective.

This post was to be made near end of june/early July. Perhaps we will see changes in view over time. Hopefully for the better. The release on this was beginning of march the proceeding year.