Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I have just gotten a catholic school self-appraisal evaluation.


I have decided to stay another year at Maria High School.  By the end of spring break I was convinced that I did not want to come back to the school.  There was one day that I was in my horrible, horrible mess of a lab and I realized, what are they going to do with this?  I must do something.  I must stay another year to get this all sorted out and taken care of.  I no longer need any of the lab equipment since everyone is taking finals next week and all they have to do is review.  My goal is to have a system of transforming the physics lab into a laboratory classroom.  Right now I teach in one room, move them in the lab to do the experiments.  Next year I want this to happen in the same room.  I wont be teaching chemistry, but whoever does can take the lecture room I am currently using as well as the chem lab, which I might borrow during the first half of the school year for my physical scientists.  This summer is filled with both a graduate course (which I am getting paid to take!) and an undergraduate course in mathematics. This class should complete the requirements needed to obtain my math endorsement even though I will already be teaching math here next year here instead of chemistry.  I hope to get the labs cleaned up for whoever is going to be working with me next year.