Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I have just gotten a catholic school self-appraisal evaluation.


I have decided to stay another year at Maria High School.  By the end of spring break I was convinced that I did not want to come back to the school.  There was one day that I was in my horrible, horrible mess of a lab and I realized, what are they going to do with this?  I must do something.  I must stay another year to get this all sorted out and taken care of.  I no longer need any of the lab equipment since everyone is taking finals next week and all they have to do is review.  My goal is to have a system of transforming the physics lab into a laboratory classroom.  Right now I teach in one room, move them in the lab to do the experiments.  Next year I want this to happen in the same room.  I wont be teaching chemistry, but whoever does can take the lecture room I am currently using as well as the chem lab, which I might borrow during the first half of the school year for my physical scientists.  This summer is filled with both a graduate course (which I am getting paid to take!) and an undergraduate course in mathematics. This class should complete the requirements needed to obtain my math endorsement even though I will already be teaching math here next year here instead of chemistry.  I hope to get the labs cleaned up for whoever is going to be working with me next year.

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like you have made a good decision regardless if you thought more about the needs of Maria High School than yours. Teaching is about sacrifice and we don't always end up doing what we planned, but I'm sure Maria High School will benefit from your presence for one more year, Jeremiah. I'm glad to have you as a co-worker. You make a difference in our students. You give them a sense of discipline, responsibility, and a general enthusiasm for logic. Thank you! That helps me out when I'm trying to get them to think about plots, orgnaization, and literature.



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