Friday, October 17, 2008

"It's Like Herding Cats!" Steve Farr

I realized yesterday that the students in this type of setting are harder to manage because they have thousands of thoughts going through their head in a split second. Anything can happen in that moment whether you want it to or not. My last period yesterday was probably the first time I noticed that everyone was on the same page (mentally) and had no problem keeping them on task. How do you herd cats? They never want to be near each-other nor head in the same direction! That's funny, but that happens sometimes when you get them to do work outside the class. Should I keep them in the class? NO. It's too small anyways to do proper physics experiments, like the one for yesterday. So I actually had the students only have one thought go through their head, and it was to collect data. Everyday is different, as of now the moments either make or break me. Overall I think I have been doing fine with plenty of space for improvement.

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