Monday, October 27, 2008


I don't know if I have mentioned this before, but my philosophy on modern education has definitely been skewed, if only because I have seen real-world education on guilty adolescence, or my previous mindset, which I know was going to be a naive one on my part, has finally vanished.

Everyone can learn physics, that was the old one.

Everyone should make their own choice to learn physics, is sort of the new philosophy. It needs to be taken upon themselves to have a focus. Physics will help with problem solving skills. You dont realize it, but they are word problems, the worst type of math problems, and I got use to them and like them. Kinda odd.

A physicist has a great skill at problem solving. A problem is presented and they set a method of solving it. The solution is not presented in ABCDE FGHJK format like in ACT style tests. No, its the way we have to administer tests in the school which is ridiculous. There are famous problems the students need to see, and i want them to do the work on those problems, not give them an answer with other possible answers. I didnt even do well on the ACT myself, so i dont think this really matters.

I was afraid to take Physics, and it turned out to be one of the greatest things that ever happened to me.

The courage should be summoned try new things. Im not sure about trying scary movies, not until its been out for a couple years. I try anything at least once, then gain from that experience.

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