Wednesday, October 22, 2008

You don't really understand something until you can explain in to your grandmother! - Einstein

If i try to keep that in mind, I may develop a new type of dialect when I talk to my actual grandmother.
Test review today, since the school changed into a College Prep (joke) they came up with a plan to give all tests in ACT format. every odd problem goes A-E and all even problems goes FGHJK.

What to do with our regular physics tests? Solution, transform to practice exams. I remember some practice exams being brutal so the test was no problem, and vice versa. I hated the vice versa exams. Those were very tricky when the test came. they made the practice exams look like cliff's notes.

I was able to establish a form of classroom management by turning themselves against each other.  I was willing to give the answers to the practice exam only when the room was quiet and they had my undivided attention.  The ones who try to make the least amount of effort in the class were yelling at the ones who even worse just take up space.  The Good vs. Evil.  I sort of had them cut out some of my work for me.  All they want is the answer.  Usually I would tell them in a higher order thinking form, and they just look dumbfounded.  "Explain it to them in bite-size pieces" - Steve

That's all for now.

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