Thursday, February 11, 2010

I better not jinx this...

Overall, I'd say I had a good week. I came out alive on many obstacles, I was able to control the class with less and less effort, and I realized an epiphany for my classroom management: It is what I WANT. I Want this class to be silent right now, I Want you to work on the assignment. I Want you to pass. Its working for now.

I got observed by one of my department chairs. "You did better." I am going to take that as a compliment. That does actually mean a lot to me. I need an observer from the other department I am with, as well as my principal to observe me. I think it will go well.

My team teacher is fantastic. A physicist and a mathematician are getting along... for now. It's great when we are showing our styles to the students. I am seeing it as how Teachers from different fields take on a task, but unfortunately I think our students are seeing it as how a guy and a girl teach math.

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